
Hello there,

A little return from the depths and a little announcement.

We got the Black Resin game into the Digital Dragons business incubator.

It's a course for young teams/companies to teach us the business side of Gamedev - including how to run crowdfunding campaigns and how to talk to publishers. Wow, this is something we've been missing a lot. 😅 

The return of DD

We promise that now - every other week - we will write you an update on what we are doing and how the job is going. 🧐

Well, how's the work going?

We have a deadline for the demo, and we have all the tools we need to do it.

We have defined what the new demo should have. So, expect some graphics and materials from us soon. 

Thank you and a small gift!

Thank you for your patience and for still being here. A little spoiler alert.  :P

Get Black Resin


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if i was a publisher i would publish this



The art here is magnificent. It deserves its own post, and it deserves more than just a comment that will get buried in the massive cyber-nebula that is itch.io.


I am very eager and excited. To say nothing of enthralled, both to see life here again and for the reported new teachings that can help round out the project for economic as well as creative success.


I would like to ask, though: What do you mean by "A little spoiler alert."? I see no spoilers here.


The post doesn't have one graphic at the bottom, I think it evaporated. But it might be good, I will use it next time then.