I’m Hubert, the programmer and F/X guy. I mostly interested in coding gameplay-related stuff like checkpoint systems or boss-fights, and I enjoy designing miscellaneous features that add some special touch to the game like shiny glyphs and fancy visual effects.

Currently, my job revolves around procedural animations, physics, particles and custom shaders. My main goal is to develop solutions for visual effects, that will seamlessly work with art created by Pies so we can achieve more interesting graphics with less effort required.

Here’s a quick overview of what we accomplished in past two weeks.

1. Filip got our player-controller very advanced and capable of handling most of animations. He also works on putting together the contents of our trailer.

2. Pies inexhaustibly punctures his canvas with pixels creating art representing flora, fauna and environments of our game’s world.

3. Kuba improved our animation-import tool in terms of functionality and usability, he’s also working on our music tracks.

4. Me was working on integrating art created by @Pies into animated looped sequence, that will be used in our trailer, featuring custom hologram-effect and procedurally typed text. I also worked on some freaky hallucinogenic effect whose purpose is for now classified 😛

Sadly, Krzysztof got corona, we keep our fingers crossed for him to get better soon ❤️

 Happy New Lunar Year!

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