DD 12 Among people, in the daylight

Hi everyone!

We showed up at gamedev conference by Digital Dragons in Cracow (Thank you, Digital Dragons, you are our favorite dragons). It was a blast to come out of our rooms, see the sunlight and exercise our social muscles. Seriously, after the lockdown, we all are learning how to talk to real people and not freak out.  It was a great opportunity to network and if any of you are working on your own project - we highly recommend attending gamedev conferences. That are the places where you can meet not only your future investors and publishers but also porting companies, lawyers, and marketing specialist. And new friends :)

Anyway, we got a stand from Digital Dragons. The organizer provided us with a table and a very strong PC.  Darek came out with the idea that we can modify the classic console and use its pads.  The idea behind it was to stand out as much as possible from other gamedev teams and studios.

People were intrigued by this machine and we definitely stood out.  But there were some downsides.

  • Old-school pads might not be as responsive as keyboards and might frustrate some gamers. 
  • Using classic console brings attention, but also a lot of questions "Does this game really works on SEGA? xD

That's not all we had up our sleeves! We also created a very limited edition of business cards using good ol' Amiga floppy disks. They were supplemented by A LOT of printed cards in the same shape.

It was a good choice for a modern/retro game. Feedback was only positive. 

To summarize it: it was a great experience, great people and a lot of networking.

If you haven't done it yet, catch us here:

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