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The game looks really good but find it kinda annoying to play sometimes. I think it has to do with the movement speed.


Awesome! Immediately got "ANOTHER WORLD" vibe! Great graphics, great mechanics and terrific music!!!!


this game is really good

is it required for playing this on firefox or can i play it on chrome

cuz i dont have firefox


I'm playing it on chrome ;)


yeah it worked alread

The game works on every browser. :)


Love the gameplay and mechanics i think its great for speedrunning so im defenitily playing it more


Incredible. Graphics are unique, story is engaging, sound design is great. I had some trouble at the beginning of the game (controls), but got the hang of it couple minutes later. Great prototype, would love to see the story further developed.


I absolutely love the gameplay, visuals, sound, and story, but the controls drag the experience down. I think that jumping is really unresponsive and unintuitive. Also getting off ledges is often annoying because I forget to press shift. Other than that this game is fantastic.

if only..

(2 edits)

Ohhh no! :( It is very rare that a web build does not work. In this case I suggest to try another browser (e.g. firefox) - it seems to me that it is only a matter of specific Mac models.


Fantastic game, wonderfully atmospheric, but I wish the controls were more responsive.

Deleted post
(2 edits)

cognitiveAfflatus I read every message here. ;) Thank You for taking the time to give us a big feedback! :) As you know for sure, we aim at old-school and controls in 'cinematic-platformers' is often ass. We are working on a patch so I hope that the prototype will be more playable. When we find a publisher we plan to make the controls from scratch.


I wish I wasn't broke so I could donate to this game. It's excellent. 10/10 (I couldn't do part 2 though.)


Hello devs.
I really liked your game and it also gave me some resemblances of Aragami and Carrion. Which are games I played on my channel. The gameplay is interesting and inventive. I give you guys that. But some of the control aspects would be nice if that would have been made a bit more clear. If you wanna know more then you can gladly chack out my video.


Well done, great demo.
It's remember me prince of persia, flashback and blackthrone.
I want to wish your team successfully finish full game, do not rush and make so long how it needs. I know what gamedeveloping is very laborious and long process, even for much ordinary games.
And successfully find good publisher, too.
Make what you like and what you want.

I also wish to participate in beta testing your game.
I like helping developers with whatever I can.


I finished the game and have a question:

You do know you posted this on, right? This game belongs somewhere else... and definitely not a flash-player games website.

No, but fr gg mate, love the game. I also really fell into the storyline and how it was made sorta backward (I dunno how to explain it, I also don't know how to words.) 

-Sky <3

p.s. whoever chose the soundtrack for this extraordinary concept, it sounds great and really fits.


Isn't flash, is Unity3D.

Thank You, Sky! :)

The author of the game music is Kuba Mazurek. You can listen to music here:


Well that was... stunning. Hyperlight Drifter vibes, metroid feel (albiet slow) and a seriously killer concept. Great freaking job.


Awesome game! Apart from the story and gameplay itself which are great I also love the aesthetics of it! :D

(1 edit) (+1)

really cool design, reminds me of some old mobile game where u were some kind of black goo.

would u mind sharing how did u make character move like that. do u change sprites or the whole gameobject depending on what surface ur on or is it all animations or smth else? 


Thanks, elithevil! :) I am responsible for all animations, and the vision of the game. I use the Aseprite application for animation. I make it using the stop-motion technique - I draw each frame by hand. The task of the programmer was to determine when the animation is activated. 

Here is an example of a 'test run':

and this is what a sprite looks like when it's set in motion.

tnx for the answer, but ive asked the question wrong i guess. i meant when the player is walking/on the ceiling/hanging from platform/sliding on wall. Does each of those have different sprite, than u just make animations that smoothes the transitions? 


Ah, now I understand! Yes, I created transition animations between the main animations. I used the same stop-motion technic. This makes the animations so smooth.


Great little game! 

I think it has some potential!


Is this in any way inspired by the j2me game Cyberpunk: the arasaka's plot . I take a lot of inspiration from that game and i can kinda see some similarities in the artstyle. GREAT GAME, yours .


We have never heard of this game. From what I see "Cyberpunk: arasaka's plot" is strongly inspired by atari game "Flashback: Quest for identity". Perhaps you will enjoy this classic. :)


I absolutely adore this game!! It's got such a great nostalgic feel to it but still manages to feel new and unique! I really hope you guys manage to turn this into a full game!!


This game is so cool! I love the art style, the mechanics are so inventive, and the story really got me invested in it! I hope that this game takes off as being a huge project.


the platform game is really cool, but there are some bugs or stuck in stage 3, but I still enjoy it, it's really cool


The player character gives me huge Heart of Darkness vibes. I approve.


Great game, but I fell through the floor when exiting an enemy and turned into a puddle on the ground and had to restart the level, which was almost over.

Thanks for feedback! Its fixed! Soon we publish patched version!

I played through again and I only came across one glitch when trying to slip through the bars where I turned into a puddle and had to restart again, not trying to be rude by saying that just trying to let you know about flaws, so you can fix them.

Great, more bugs! :D Could I ask you to record this bug in any form? To fix it, we need a detailed description of what and where it happened or a recording of it. You are also welcome on our discord.

I'll play throught it again and try to remember where it was.

In chapter 2 if you look at the map, look up to the roof, then to the right and down a bit and there is some bars after you posses one of the moose dudes and kill the other that's where I turned into a puddle, then I restarted chapter 2 and beat the game for the first time, by the way I love this game so much I've played about 5 or 6 times.


its a very nice game and i liked it very much but i found a bug and i cant move now but the game is so cool so it doesnt matter


I love this game so far; the graphics are really nice and the gameplay is pretty fun! The only thing that's a bit confusing is the possession mechanic -- it doesn't always work when you come from the ceiling, does it only work when a guard is in a specific pose?

Yes briellek, when the guards hear you they enter the alarmed pose (because you run or land on ground). Wait until they are not alarmed. :)


I have just played the game (demo) through.

There is so much to praise about this, holy cow. I'm not even dead yet, that's how alive I feel playing this.

The world is immersive while yet alien. Too many games- almost every one I've yet played that takes place on an "alien" world- still makes it much too human-like and recognizable, while still presenting themselves as hard-sci-fi - in the form of TMI culture details - and visuals, resulting in just an awkward and nauseating cyberpunk experience with humanoids and human-like technology that are supposed to not be human. Looking at you, Freedom Planet and Mass Effect.

By contrast, Black Resin's world is truly alien, by visuals and by presentation, with no spoken English; only a light touch of written English for the sake of control grasping; and the technology -individual items as well as the collective technological environment, largely looks like it has followed a different path of development from human technology.

It is otherworldly, and yet not self-assumingly so; I admit this next part I still don't know all the reasons for: The fantasy element in this science fantasy game seems worldly and tame enough for the material/sci-fi stuff to make sense, even be and feel essential, yet just high enough to allow suspension of disbelief both for the similarities to our own world as we know it, and for the logic used in the game's own fictional universe - both the gameplay aspects such as enemy AI, and the architecture of the factory being so conveniently in place for the Black Resin to make her way through.

Admit I, there's so much else to say. For now, this is what I want to say, while I can still remember it through my excitement.

I am very eager to see how Black Resin advances. I am new to this "" website; if there's a way to sign on for a Black Resin newsletter, please inform me.


Thank you for your feedback! As for the newsletter, the best way to be informed about new things in Black Resin is to follow our Twitter page


This one's a pretty fun game, died a lot but it was very fun to solve those levels, I really liked the art style too, good work :)


Wonderful game with amazing art! It is in my Top 5 of this week!

Check the video!

(2 edits) (+1)

This is a fantastic game!

It's been a while since a good, well-designed, atmospheric cinematic-platformer came out. And you got every good thing about the genre down to a 'T'!


+ Fantastic environment
+ Great character design
+ Amazing music and sound design
+ Cool stealth-based gameplay
+ Gameplay mechanics are revealed organically instead of in a tutorial-styled design


- Controls are a little slow (and confusing) at times. But then again, Flashback on Sega was even more confusing :P :D
- I would love to see the movement of the characters in classic style as well, instead of them "sliding".

I look forward to more from you and would love to see a full game based on this!

P.S. I found a small bug when I was trying to leave the cat-eyed robot/alien near the bars and, at the same time, trying to get through the bars. As you can see from the gif, the character just stays there, "compressed".
I was playing the game in the browser on Firefox.


Good game, interesting potential. Reminds me of Blackthorn and Abe games. 

Please allow more fluid controls though, especially the climbing up. I got shot several times due to the slow animation.


świetna gra, ale Dariusz piszę się z dużej litery

bit too musch input lag but other than that its great, reminds me of hyper light drifter


I really like the artstyle. Its seems very fun and interesting so far!


Cool game, brings me back to some old Armor Games / Nitrome games.
Unfortunately... the player character is not fun to control. They feel too slow, and there's a period after you land where you're still moving forward but can't jump again, making platforming annoying.

The laser beams will hit the player even if it doesn't actually collide with the character (occurring to me when trying to jump over/away). The mines seems to have inconsistent hitboxes, the open top ones having a larger 'below sprite' hitbox than the covered 'Wall Mines', and if enemies turn around at (I'm assuming) the last frame before you control them they'll kill you.

My big suggestions are to
1. Make running the norm and the run button walks (or increase walk speed but I'm aware that second option would mess with level design) 
2. Maybe give guards a brief surprise window where they can't kill you, like how lasers don't get fired immediately.
3. Let me walk off ledges!

All in all, a good proof of concept, and I definitely look forward to the end product (though that might be my soft spot for reverse horror games).


Oh, and there's a small graphical glitch when trying to cross the first gate while on the roof. 


I got stuck in a level, but I promise I will finish the game soon ^^ 


Awesome and Very Challenging Game! I died a lot playing this, but worth a lot. Can't wait for the full version. Congrats!

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great jobs


this is really good , love the art style - controls are a bit awkward though and its possible to get stuck on the first level


Amazing game dev :D 

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